Saturday, June 25, 2011

A new swarm and a great way to package them

I just picked up a swarm from another member of the Wasatch Beekeepers Association. She caught them in her front yard, but didn't have the equipment to put them in, so she was giving them away.  I rushed right over and brought home a lovely blob of what looks like carniolan bees.  Oh I'm so excited!  I got home and installed them just in time before it got dark.  Had several bees crawl up inside my pant legs, and amazingly I didn't get stung.  Whew!  I am thrilled with having a second hive now.

The gal I got them from had a great idea for a swarm box - A basic styrofoam cooler with several holes carved out of the top and a screen duct taped over the top.  I thought it was a great idea.  I wouldn't have thought of it myself.

This is the inside of the lid.  The screen is taped in, and I added some heavy duty staples to help keep it in place.

Tomorrow I will also be checking hive #1.  I am hoping that they have drawn out  some more comb for the queen and some eggs.  I'm thinking that some of the brood should be close to hatching by now.
More tomorrow...

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